Friday, October 9, 2015


Today was sunny as ever and I took an uncommon morning quick stop in K-town at The Line Hotel. "Commissary" is only as good as it gets in pictures, but when you actually enter the plant-ornamented space, something about the sun peering in through the glass and reflecting off the garden greens gives off this magical elation for all who breathe. Lunch is an arm and leg, but the exquisite visuals — I mean absolutely stunning and serene — gives you a bang for your buck, I'll say. Sigh, loved it. 

The meat of this post will be my quick conversation with Katherine [check out her work here] about what lately has been the most important thing for me as a creative. I've been having a lot of conversations about art, social media and modern day communication. While the accessibility and resources are rampant, it seems to me that people in this day and age are deprived of art with substance. Deprived, not in the sense of absence, but rather in that authentic content is somewhere buried in an assortment of easy-bakes and replication. Where's the authenticity?

As I am growing to discover myself as an artist, I am quickly realizing how important it is to be honest and original. With that, I've been very intentional about whose classes I walk in to. I can take class from the youtube stars and wiggle my way in to my own self-promoting measures (they are amazing and I learn a lot from them!) But I've decided to be more discerning about where I can really benefit from. And by 'benefit,' dear friends what I really mean is, who's class I'll walk away challenged, educated, and maybe even a little confused. You always need to find your intention with class, or so I've learned from Beverly Bautista, therefore I make it a point to choose personalized and focused development over what's easy, comfortable, and popular. Lower body grooves, dance hall (ugh, love it!) and even jazz funk is where I've been spending a good chunk of my time in the studios.  I'll even take contemporary, though I legit laugh at myself for looking like a flailing chicken in water. Thank God class is confidential.

For me, there isn't anything more empty as soulless art though I am often guilty of being more technical than free. Even so, I am learning and trying, and the conversations with fellow creatives is good fuel for it. After all, it's the meaningful depth of story-telling that give us the bone-chilling sensations we all long for, that speaks into the fabric of our society, and busts norms, isn't it? I want that, so bad. Tonight someone said this: "Don't just chase after steps. Sometimes you gotta go back to the basics and listen, listen to the music to create something original."

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