Thursday, August 28, 2014


Sometimes you just want to be silly. — Tinkle Inkle Pinkle Studio

Monday, August 18, 2014


I think crisp white is the perfect color to stay (or, to feign) cool in this somber Seoul humidity. And while August is the perfect prelude to the ever-so anticipated sweater season, Jo jumped the gun with this breezy, fitted pullover. And I, absolutely drawn to the breathable details of her top, had to kindly escort her outside to take some 'outfit of the day' shots in the not-so-delightful weather. Now before I go off and essay on about how much I adored her outfit coordination yesterday (and how awkwardly cute she was while taking these photos), let me just restate that often times than not, the "shoe make the fit." I am obsessed. I am....a frumpy sandal fanatic. And the irony of that is, I have yet to find my own pair. Next thing you know I'll be kindly escorting Jo through the humidity and straight to the shoe store. Frumpy sandals, I have not given up on you yet! And summer,  I will not bid thee farewell till it happens.

Friday, August 15, 2014


Daily bread: "Look to the rock from which you were cut and to the quarry from which you were hewn. Look to Abraham, who is your father, and to Sarah who gave you birth. When I called him he was but one. And I blessed him and made him many." (Isaiah 51:3)

This morning I had the sudden urge to kick-start "The Fault in Our Stars + I even took it a step further by busting out InStyle's June issue with the lovely Shailene Woodley on the cover. Contrary to general preference, I enjoy reading the book after the movie so that my imagination isn't hindered with disappointments. Both the movie and the book heave the emotions out of me. We'll see how many tears I cry with the paperback. 

Cali meets Chicago bliss. Hongdae, when under reconstruction, is an attraction site for all kinds of conspicuous graffiti. With no intention to make a pitstop, we stumbled across this plethora and took some photos. Anyone who knows me and knows me well, knows that I will stop for graffiti, even if I'm driving in the dead of winter and even if I have to pullover into a no-park zone....memories.  

Saturday, August 9, 2014


Morning instaquote: "Before I go on and read these freedom pages + indulge in my coffee, let me first make these pieces presentable to the eye and take a photo. Yeah, and what?"

This was mainly referring to a rather humorous / satirical webpage I came across 2 weeks ago titled "What I instagrammed vs. What was really happening, or my entire life is a lie" (link). I know I am not the only one on this earth obsessive enough to play coffee-book-food tetris at cafes and restaurants. There is, I believe, nothing fake or unreal about capturing a moment that has been meticulously (yes — with utmost intention) forged to produce an aesthetic photo. Keep it real? Eating my breakfast burrito over what has now become lukewarm coffee after I've snapped and edited my photo will be the realest it can get. So for my own contentment I will continue to do so, possibly in greater measure now, as long as the lighting and color schemes seem fit. Deuces.

Friday, August 8, 2014


World Final 2014

2014.7.31 Thursday welcomed me with this beautifully painted, clear sky. The last six days from 7.31 - 8.5 was sheer bliss. Three events over the course of six days is definitely not for the faint hearted (and certainly cannot be captured in just one blog post), but this particular thursday evening was the perfect kickstarter for the much anticipated, grand-scale, street event of the year — funkstylers 2014.

2014.8.2 Work. No matter how big or small the affair, tremendous hustle is always compulsory for any hip-hop event. The dancers, organizers, guests, judges, MC's, staff, translators, sponsors, you name it — everyone is involved. The extra espresso in my right hand + good people vibes lifted all connotations of 'work,' but I will say, it was no simple task. We had OG legends Tony Gogo, Junior, Angel, Viktor, Poppin Pete and Wiggles on one hand, and world renown street dancers Popping Kite, Ibuki, and Bboy Blond on the other (cue dancers swooning). That in itself made the pressure unreal. Luckily, I ditched the stage and took the backseat this time around, collaborating with Flowmaker and dabbling in the world of event coordination, which opened my eyes to a whole new level of efficiency and professionalism. All that aside, for street dancers and awestruck viewers alike, Funkstylers was certainly a pop of excitement, a pleasure to the soul and eye.