Thursday, January 12, 2017


Chicago is a pragmatic, beautiful city, and in my opinion (blatantly) fashionless. But fashionless only because of the wind chill, and snow. Home is familiar and a stranger, a mix-match of both comfort and isolation. And, I'd be lying if I said that the risk-free nature of the Midwestern mentality isn't getting under my skin. It bothers me. Still yet, home is home, and roots are roots, and I'm certainly relieved to have this time. 

Thoughts lately: I find the world to be much larger than the trend conglomeration that is Seoul. In Seoul, everything is accessible, everyone is "connected" by media, and the mirrors of public perception scream loudly. Who are you? What do you stand for? What is your fight? It is easy to get lost in that image game unless you jab counter-culturally and move intentionally. I think stepping out has given me space to slow down, to breathe, to recalibrate. Values — what are they? Belief — how will they drive me? People — who has God called me to? These are vital questions that I am plowing through before I make the jump. Necessities. I'm glad to be putting things in order so that when furnace gets hot, I'll stay put.

So with donuts and coffee at hand — cheers to reevaluations and recommitments.