Thursday, November 20, 2014


Supposedly the abundance of "cute brunch spots" in NYC makes a morning chow down like this one just a negligible norm. Yet for a someone who's been paying $20 some dollars for poorly fixed pancakes and eggs in Korea, I find myself insatiably craving for more! My friend Sparky and I had the egg avocado toast (there are several avocado toast options) and the acai berry bowl, which to my surprise was much bigger in portion than I had anticipated. The perfect touch was the soy cappuccinos — the best. Food aside, you'll notice the beautiful white brick walls, the airy space if it's not too crammed and, trust me when I say this, ultra beautiful people with accents (because accents make people 10x cooler) sipping their afternoon coffees. Delightful!

1 comment:

  1. Were there any British cuties? Tell em I'm comin! jk. I love a good cappuccino!
