Thursday, March 26, 2015


Hello, and happy spring! This morning I threw on my over-sized jean jacket over some skinnies because it was warm enough (yay spring!) and got on my crispy adidas stans because it was sunny and dry. It's really hard to keep white sneakers clean in Seoul because of all the walking you are bound to do (whether you like it or not) but today just felt like one of those days that deserved something fresh. 

Lately I've been thinking a lot about what this blog is all about and what my intentions are with each photo and each post. I suppose I've grown a tad bit immune to the whole lets-take-pretty-pictures because it makes me happy ordeal. I mean, things that only go as far as personal satisfaction usually tend to end up seemingly unsatisfying anyways. That said, I hope to recalibrate this whole creative space in a way that can more directly touch, inform, and inspire those that follow. Bear with me as I go through this uncertain, trial and error process. We'll see how things change, if it does at all.

Rambling aside, I have been quietly working on developing myself as an artist whether it's through the medium of dance (which, has been super, super fun) and or other art forms like calligraphy and styling. Most importantly, I've been putting myself against the daily practice to be bold and authentic because that's where creativity and innovation flows. There is so much content out there these days in cyber space, and I'll be honest, everything is kind of starting to look the same these days (visually at least). Trends aside, I'm realizing that the key to be set apart is, simply put, to be fully you. Anyways, it's 1am, past my bed time, and it's time to hit the hay. If you read this and have some thoughts or ideas, oh man even some fresh encouragement —  please, do not hesitate. I'm better at taking encouragement than advice, haha, (that's just my choleric character and stubbornness) but regardless I'm all ears. Good night!

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