Thursday, December 18, 2014


The holidays in Chicago are always filled with buzz — this time, a little more rain and undertones of gloom. Still yet, it's my upmost cherished time of the year and what else could be a better hike up to Christmas other than my dear family. (By "family" I mean "family + wombmates" — aka, childhood friends that I've literally known for 20+ years! It's a uniquely mind boggling reality, one that still surprises me twenty some years later and counting.) Though the brutal chills have me committing oaths never to visit home in the winter ever again, moments of reflection calm me down into one blob of a feeling, that is, grateful. This gem of a place I call home, the indefinable relationships, and the every day sights of little succulents planted next to my coffee — all these things deposit in me fresh inspiration and gratitude.  Chicago, depressing weather and all, I love you. Happy Holidays. 

1. Arthur and California + Soy Latte
2. Plant + Garage
3. Nice Interior + Buzz Killer Espresso, Wicker Park
4. Charlie + DIY Christmas cards
5. Wicker Park spaces + Helen Kim
6. Selfie + Don't Sweat the Small Stuff

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